Conscious Living - 8 Tips

Making life more livable.
Recently I've been talking a lot about sustainability, happiness, organization, and just general things to help me keep my life on track. Sometimes, life just needs a little push. In this blog post, I wanted to share a few things that I like to do to make my life more livable.

Color and nutrient filled.
Some of the most color filled foods that we can find are our fruits and veggies. These foods are the best for us, and we should always make sure that we are eating the most fruits and veggies.

While eating these foods, I find that I can eat so much more to feel full. This is great because I don't feel horrible about what I'm eating. I like to incorporate my fruits with meals such as smoothies, smoothie bowls, fruit salads.. And I love to incorporate veggies in salads, sandwiches, and pastas.

Help your muscles and improve functioning.
I love to stretch at least once a day. Starting the day off with some yoga is so beneficial to your health and really gets you ready for the day. I have come to memorize a few basic movements to help any sort of ache or pain as well as make sure my body has been thoroughly moved before heading into my day.

Yoga has been found to:

  • improve breathing 
  • increase energy
  • maintain metabolism
  • help with weight
  • improve elasticity and functioning
  • protect your body from injury 
Take in some of those benefits by trying some simple and easy movements that you can find in this link: Yoga Poses For Beginners

Get a planner or a journal and keep it with you.
To remember and stay organized, get in the habit of writing down important things on paper. I find that when I do this, I tend to remember the event or info more often than if I were to just put it in my phone.

It's also a good idea to carry around a pocket sized notebook to jot down ideas you have throughout the day, quotes, memories, or just simple things you want to remember. Some of my favorite notebooks and planners include:
-Day Designer
-Blue Sky
-Rifle Paper Company

Find a place you've never been to.
This one is very important to me, especially since I find that I get energy from being somewhere new. Even if you are swamped with work, and decide to bring your work with you, a change of scenery can bring some peace and can actually improve how you function.

Being able to separate work from fun is very important, especially as I'm in college. Having a specific study place is a good idea, but changing up that study space once in awhile is also a good idea.

Weekends or days off are a perfect time to go somewhere new, even if it's just a new coffee shop or a state park you've never been to just 15 minutes away. It doesn't have to be exotic or far away to be relaxing, as long as where you go gives you a time to take your mind off the madness.

Always bring a water bottle with you.
We all know that we're supposed to drink a lot of water, but do we actually do it? I definitely don't drink enough water, and it's actually pretty hard to remember to drink the suggested amount.

I always remember to drink water by carrying around my Hydroflask. It keeps my water super cold all day. Plus, water is so much better for you than soda or juice, which is why I try to limit these things severely and drink only water if I can. Staying hydrated also keeps your skin healthy and glowing, and improves functioning in your body. Drinking enough water can also balance out your diet, as you may see yourself getting less hungry throughout the day. Water keeps energy levels up as well as maintains attention.

"Live life in the pursuit of something beautiful"
My motto changes constantly, whether it's a quote that helps me go through my day, or a quick phrase that reminds me to laugh. I love to wake up and meditate on some sort of wise advice to make my day a little bit more meaningful. There are many short sayings and quotes I love, such as

  • "cling to what is good"
  • "Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is."
  • "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
  • "Spread love everywhere you go let no one ever come to you without leaving happier"
  • "Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good."
  • "Do what you like. Like what you do."
  • "Be a voice, not an echo"
  • "You've got to be a beginner before you can be anything else"
  • "Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own"
It's important to pick something every day to focus on, whether that's being generous, or always being kind. Sometimes its hard to think about how we're acting before we do, but being more conscious of how we live is very important, and you will find yourself more happy and more positive.

Every single day.
Even if your day is packed full of meetings, lectures, homework, work, or whatever else you have to do, there's always a way you can jam in a little bit of movement. Being active doesn't need to mean a two hour workout at the gym, but it's important to keep your body going. Here's a list of things I love to do

  • go swimming
  • take a kayak out on the lake
  • go for a bike ride
  • walk in a nice park, or even around the block
  • go to the beach and actually swim in the water
  • go for a hike
  • climb some rocks
  • jump on the trampoline
  • take the stairs
  • paddle board
  • do some yoga
  • get out of the chair and walk around for a few minutes
  • longboard
  • learn to do something new

Exercise actually gives you energy and keeps you more motivated instead of the opposite. Our bodies are made for movement, and movement will keep you happy. I love to switch up how I get my exercise, because it keeps it interesting and adds a sense of adventure.

Another important way to sneak in your exercise is to bring your gym clothes with you on vacation. You might plan to lay by the pool all day, but if you bring your clothes and sneakers, there's no excuse not to lace up and head out for a quick run.

Find some peace and quiet.
Soaking up the sun is so essential for your body, especially because it supplies us with Vitamin D, an important vitamin for our body. Being outside makes me happy, and I'm sure that not many people love being cooped up inside all day. Go head out for a hike or a walk on the beach and give the earth some love. Earth day is every day and getting your daily dose of the outdoors is important, even on a rainy day.

Finding a quiet time to reflect is really important. I love sunsets, or watching the night sky. I often like to write during this time, or read by myself at the beach. It's important to have time to myself, so I can think and be still. Many times I find my peace from the earth and places I go. Whether I'm on top of a mountain or by the edge of the water, I find my solace.
